The Mark 7 Evolution Mechanical Reloader is a massive 10 station tool head machine that is based on the commercial grade Mark 7 Revolution introduced in 2017.
The extra stations offer long awaited options to reloaders wanting to do it all in one pass. To Swage and Trim, as well as use a bullet feeder while still checking their powder charge
The Mark 7 Evolution machine includes a 11” case feeder with shell plate, mechanical powder dropper and standard stacked primers.
The Evolutions features include:
A massive, robust 10-station tool head which allows you to “have it all”:
Station 1: Case feeding
Station 2: Sizing and decapping
Station 3: Swage/Case trim
Station 4: Primer seat with hold down
Station 5: Resize/neck expansion
Station 6: Powder drop
Station 7: Powder check
Station 8: Bullet Dropper
Station 9: Seating
Station 10: Crimping
while also including a :
Large capacity, fast feeding case collator
Ergonomically designed operating handle, which can be assembled for right or left-hand use
New and improved case feed system using roller bearings and user-adjustable springs
Double Sleeve support for the tool head creates a smoother more in-line function
Gear-based precision-fit overall operation
Design for automation, and for many optional upgrades, which include the Mark 7 Automatic Primer collator, the Mark 7 Evolution Autodrive and the complete suite of Mark 7 Sensors and parts.
The overall machine dimensions are 39" tall (99.1 cm) X 19.5" (49.5cm) wide x 14" (35.6cm) deep