Shooting Stuff stocks Lyman Products, including a variety of Lyman scales to choose from. Top of the range is Lyman's Gen6 Compact Digital Powder System, an automatic powder dispensing system - that's a scale too! The Lyman Accu-Touch 2000 Electonic Scale features an integral, manual powder trickler and large LCD display. Lyman's Pro-Touch 1500 Digital Scale and Brass Smith 500 Balance Beam Scale complete the range of Lyman scales available from Shooting Stuff. Should doubt ever creep in, Lyman's
LE Wilson at Shooting Stuff
LE Wilson Inc. is a family owned business in the USA, making fine quality Wilson Tools and Gauges. Sam Wilson, the founder, was an accomplished marksman and multiple champion in various disciplines in the 1930s. He was unable to locate the tools and gauges to satisfy his own reloading needs, so Sam made his own.
Thanks to people like Sam Wilson, we don’t need to make our own. Thanks to Shooting Stuff, you can easily access Wilson Tools and Gauges in South Africa, as well other fine, useful reloading equipment.
Loading Advice
Thanks for choosing BluePills! These match-grade, polymer-coated bullets are proudly brought to you by Shooting Stuff, exclusively in conjunction with Zero Mike Bullets: a winning team!
You may have heard that loading polymer-coated bullets is more difficult than loading plated or jacketed ones. While we can’t speak about every poly-coated bullet in the world, generally this isn’t true, and it is not true with BluePills!
Loading poly-coated bullets requires a slightly different set up to jacketed or plated bullets, and even to cast lead bullets, but poly-coated bullets are no more difficult to load. When switching to BluePills there are only three real changes you need to make to your reloading setup.
Firstly, much the same as for cast lead bullets, you want to bell the case a little more than you need to when loading jacketed bullets. Not blown up like a blunderbuss muzzle, just a little more belling. BluePills are made a little bigger in diameter than jacketed bullets, so you also want to avoid cutting or scratching the coating off the BluePills when seating the bullet into the cartridge case.
Second, you want to crimp the case mouth just enough! Just taking the bell out should be sufficient in most cases because the slightly bigger bullet diameter helps keep the bullet in place. You want to avoid crimping to the extent that the blue polymer coating is damaged as this would compromise our famous match-grade performance and, in extreme cases, could cause lead to build-up in your barrel. You don’t want that!